Worn Dentition?

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Direct and indirect adhesive management through a non invasive approach


Samstag, 1. Februar 2025  von 9:00 bis 17:00 Uhr


Worn Dentition? Direct and indirect adhesive management through a non invasive approach.

Course Learning Objectives

  • How to diagnose worn dentition (erosion, attrition, abrasion; abfraction).
  • Opening the VDO and planning the treatment plan
  • The indications and protocols for a no prep direct adhesive approach “The Index Technique”.
  • The indications and protocols for a minimal invasive indirect adhesive approach through composite and/or ceramic onlays/overlays.

The main goal of this course is to provide, indications and protocols to diagnose and treat severe worn dentition through a new no prep approach increasing the VDO: “The Index technique”. The course will also focus on when and how to bond on worn dentition, additive partial indirect restorations (onlays/overlays) in composite and/or ceramic, depending on the indication.

All the step by step protocols will be addressed through step by step images and videos on patients, in order to have a clear over view of this hybrid (direct-indirect) technique through an analog and digital workflow.

Course Program

  • How to diagnose worn dentition (erosion, attrition abrasion and abfraction)
  • Esthetic and functional analysis
  • How to increase the VDO and perform the “restorative” wax-up (with video projection on patients)
  • How to perform the transparent index on the “restorative” wax-up (with video projection on patients)
  • Anterior and posterior mock-ups (temporary phase), for esthetics phonetics and function (with video projection on patients)
  • Adhesion strategies on worn dentition (with video projection on patients)
  • The indications and protocols, on posterior teeth, for a no prep direct adhesive copy-paste approach: “The Index Technique” (with video projection on patients)
  • How to perform the “stabilizers” for the single index technique. Plus how to perform the new digital 3D printed indexes
  • The indications and protocols, on anterior teeth, for a no prep direct adhesive copy-paste approach: “The Index Technique” (with video projection on patients)
  • The indications and protocols for indirect adhesive approach through composite and ceramic onlays (with video projection on patients)
  • All the possible mistakes that may arise (with video projection on patients)


  • How to perform the transparent index on the restorative wax-up.
  • How to perform a mock-up
  • How to perform a composite copy-paste restorative approach on worn dentition through the single index, plus how to perform the “stabilizers”


Dr. Riccardo Ammannato
Salita Santa Caterina, 2/6
16123 GENOVA Italy

E-Mail: info(at)studioammannato.com     
E-Mail: rammannato(at)libero.it
website: www.studioammannato.com 


Graduated at Genoa University (Italy)

Internship at the Department of Operative and Restorative Dentistry, University of Zurich under the guidance of Prof. F. Lutz; studying adhesive dentistry and its applications in operative and prosthetic dentistry.

Teacher at University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), for the year 2017, in Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry. Direct by Prof F. Mangani. 

Active Member of the European Academy Esthetic Dentistry (EAED); Active Member of the Italian Academy of Operative AIC (Italian Academy of Conservative and Restorative Dentistry); Active Member of the Italian Academy Esthetic Dentistry (IAED); Associate member of AARD (American Academy Restorative Dentistry). 

He has developed and published in 2015 and 2018 on the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (IJED), a new and no prep approach to restore worn dentition: The “Index Technique”

Author of articles on adhesive and restorative dentistry and speaker in international courses and congresses.

He currently practices at his office in Genoa, with multidisciplinary approach, but focusing on esthetics and restorative dentistry.

Lecture Title
Worn Dentition? Direct (Index Technique) and indirect (ceramic/composite onlays) adhesive management through a non-invasive approach.


Flinger Straße 11
40213 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 0211-13879-0


Mindestens 10 Personen
Wir halten uns vor, bei zu geringer Anzahl den Kurs bis zu 3 Wochen vor Beginn abzusagen.


Mitglieder der Studiengruppe:700,00 €
Nicht-Mitglieder der Studiengruppe:750,00 €


Studiengruppe für Restaurative Zahnmedizin

Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank Düsseldorf
IBAN: DE32 3006 0601 0001 6922 32

Kursbetreuung und Informationen

Dr. Stephanus Steuer
E-Mail: smile(at)dr-stephanus-steuer.de

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